I thought it might be fun again to toss a few gag 'toons into the pot now and then. 99% of these will usually be drawn only in ink, or ink and wash - in other words black-and-white. Except for visual 'toons, they all have tag lines in pencil. As these are generally hard to read online, I've printed the tag lines when required.

I'll try to vary them from time to time so as not to bore a returning visitor.




g-283 - "OK, which is it? You're being passively aggressive, or you're not in that thing?"

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"g-156 - "If that's Little Bo Peep, we're NOT here!

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g-220 - "I suppose this means another goddamn delay."

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g-??? - "We've got a real problem, gentlemen. It seems Mom wants a piece of the action."

NB: Tad Harvey, abettor
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g-196 - "Don't think of it as math; think of it as cooking the books."

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g-232 - "Your father is a poet, Heather. Poets don't know from carburetors."

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g+237 - "Say 'varooom.' "

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g-255 - "You know something, Andrews, I love the great outdoors."

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G-270 - "Is that all you can do -- stir up trouble?"

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g-266 - "Not so fast, Mister."

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g-244 - [maze with Maps]

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g-145a - "Sorry, Mrs. Henderson, the rules specify cats only. Husbands you get down yourself."

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